PSL University, Paris Science of Lettres
The 11 establishments of Université PSL The scope of PSL University includes eleven establishments: College de France, National Superior Conservatory of Dramatic Art – PSL, […]
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Sorbonne University/ Pierre-and-Marie-Curie (IV)
Pierre-and-Marie-Curie University (Paris VI) A direct descendant of the historic Sorbonne, UPMC is the top French university by the Shanghai world rankings, 7th in Europe […]
28480 total views, 6 today
University of Paris (XI), Saclay, SUD
University of Paris Sud (Paris XI) Paris-Sud University is a place dedicated to high-level research, focused on understanding the world, backing student success and responding […]
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Ecole Normale Superieure
Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris At the same time a French grande école and a university, the Ecole normale supérieure provides in Paris, at the heart of the Quartier […]
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Institut Polytechnique de Paris/ École Polytechnique
Ecole Polytechnique In today’s climate of fierce economic competition, innovation is the only route to prosperity. École Polytechnique trains leaders with solid backgrounds in multidisciplinary […]
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