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Humboldt University of Berlin

  • Street: Humboldt University of Berlin, Spandauer Str. 1
  • City: Berlin
  • Country: Germany
  • Zip/Postal Code: 10178
  • Listed: June 10, 2018 12:01 am
  • Expires: 7340 days, 7 hours


Humboldt University of Berlin


  • Two hundred years ago, in 1810, Wilhelm von Humboldt’s vision of a new type of university became reality. The newly founded Prussian alma mater was the first to introduce the unity of research and teaching, to uphold the ideal of research without restrictions and to provide a comprehensive education for its students. These principles of Wilhelm von Humboldt and a select group of contemporaries soon became general practice throughout the world. A new era of university and academic research had begun.
  • Wilhelm von Humboldt and a select group of contemporaries were the first to call for the independence of academia, to envision the integration of the natural, social sciences and humanities and to demand the unity of research and teaching: none of these concepts have lost their relevance.

    Following the foundation of the German Empire in 1871, the alma mater became the largest and most renowned university in Germany, home to 29 Nobel Prize winners like Max Planck, Robert Koch or Fritz Haber.

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