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The Best Schools

University June 10, 2018

Logo for National Association for College Admission Counseling

The 100 Best Universities in the World Today


1. Harvard University 26. Hebrew University of Jerusalem 51. University of Birmingham 76. Imperial College London
2. University of California – Berkeley 27. University of Washington 52. Boston University 77. University of Göttingen
3. University of Chicago 28. The University of Texas at Austin 53. University of Tübingen 78. University of California–Davis
4. University of Michigan 29. University of British Columbia 54. University of Sussex 79. Dartmouth College
5. Columbia University 30. King’s College London 55. University of Warwick 80. University of Sydney
6. Yale University 31. University of Bristol 56. University of Sheffield 81. National Autonomous University of Mexico
7. Princeton University 32. Rutgers University 57. University of Arizona 82. University of Buenos Aires 
8. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 33. London School of Economics 58. University of Virginia 83. Goethe University Frankfurt
9. University of Cambridge 34. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 59. University of Leeds 84. Ohio State University
10. Stanford University 35. University of Southern California 60. University of Rochester 85. University of Copenhagen
11. Oxford University 36. University of Edinburgh 61. University of Amsterdam 86. Arizona State University 
12. Cornell University 37. Brown University 62. Heidelberg University 87. University of Southampton
13. University of California–Los Angeles 38. California Institute of Technology 63. Syracuse University 88. Florida State University
14. University of Wisconsin–Madison 39. University of Munich 64. University of Massachusetts–Amherst 89. University of Calcutta
15. University of Toronto 40. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 65. University of Utah 90. University of Georgia
16. University of Manchester 41. Moscow State University 66. Washington University in St Louis 91. The University of Tokyo
17. Duke University 42. University College London 67. Leiden University 92. University of Melbourne
18. New York University 43. University of Vienna 68. Free University of Berlin 93. University of Florida
19. Johns Hopkins University 44. University of Maryland 69. University of Notre Dame 94. Brandeis University
20. University of Pennsylvania 45. University of Pittsburgh 70. Rice University 95. Stockholm University
21. University of Minnesota Twin Cities 46. Pennsylvania State University 71. University of Oslo 96. Vanderbilt University
22. University of California – San Diego 47. University of California–Irvine 72. Birkbeck, University of London 97. Case Western Reserve University
23. University of Paris (Sorbonne) 48. Australian National University 73. Utrecht University 98. University of Warsaw
24. Northwestern University 49. Swarthmore College 74. Wesleyan University 99. University of Cologne
25. McGill University 50. University of Bonn 75. City University of New York 100. Michigan State University

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University of Oxford – 2018 interview questions

Accounting, Architecture, Chemistry, Dental, Design, Design-Interior, Economics, Engineering, Fashion, Hospitality Mgmt, Law, Logistics, MBA, Medical, Music, Performing Art, Physics, University October 14, 2017

Oxford 2018 interview questions


These sample interview questions come direct from the tutors who conduct the interviews. We hope they’ll make you think, and help you understand why we ask the questions that we do.

  • Biochemistry

    • Here is a list of three compounds, A, B and C. Which one is most soluble?
      (A, B and C will be specific simple compounds which the candidates should recognise.)
  • Biological Sciences

    • Why do some habitats support higher biodiversity than others?
    • Why do lions have manes?
    • Ladybirds are red. So are strawberries. Why?
    • Would it matter if tigers became extinct?
    • Why do many animals have stripes?
    • Here’s a cactus. Tell me about it.
    • If you could save either the rainforests or the coral reefs, which would you choose?
    • Is it easier for organisms to live in the sea or on land?
  • Biomedical Sciences

    • Why is sugar in your urine a good indicator that you might have diabetes?
    • Why do a cat’s eyes appear to ‘glow’ in the dark?
  • Classics

    • Why do you think Dido kills herself in Aeneid 4?  Couldn’t she just have gone back to her old life?
  • Computer Science

    • How do pirates divide their treasure?
  • Economics

    • The Holiday Puzzle:  
  • Economics and Management

    • Do bankers deserve the pay they receive? And should government do something to limit how much they get?
  • Engineering

    • Place a 30cm ruler on top of one finger from each hand so that you have one finger at each end of the ruler, and the ruler is resting on your fingertips. What happens when you bring your fingers together?
    • How would you design a gravity dam for holding back water?
  • English Literature

    • JK Rowling has just published a book for adults after the hugely successful Harry Potter series. In what ways do you think that writing for children is different to writing for adults?
    • Tell me about [this literary work you have mentioned in your UCAS personal statement]
    • Why do you think an English student might be interested in the fact that Coronation Street has been running for 50 years?
  • Geography

    • If I were to visit the area where you live, what would I be interested in?
  • History

    • What would a historian find interesting about the place where you live?
    • Is violence always political?  Does ‘political’ mean something different in different contexts?
    • Imagine we had no records about the past at all, except everything to do with sport – how much of the past could we find out about?
    • Which person (or sort of person) in the past would you most like to interview, and why? 
  • History of Art

    • Do you recognise this image?
    • The Afterglow in Egypt
  • Law

    • What does it mean for someone to ‘take’ another’s car?
    • If the punishment for parking on double yellow lines were death, and therefore nobody did it, would that be a just and effective law?
  • Materials Science

    • How hot does the air have to be in a hot air balloon if I wanted to use it to lift an elephant?
  • Mathematics

    • Imagine a ladder leaning against a vertical wall with its feet on the ground. The middle rung of the ladder has been painted a different colour on the side, so that we can see it when we look at the ladder from the side on. What shape does that middle rung trace out as the ladder falls to the floor?
    • How many ways are there to cover a 2 x n rectangular grid with 2 x 1 tiles?
  • Medicine

    • I see from your personal statement that you have done (voluntary work / shadowing / some other first-hand experience of interacting with patients or vulnerable individuals). What did you find most surprising about that experience? Is it possible to quantify any benefit you brought to the people you met? How did they feel? 
    • Why does your heart rate increase when you exercise?
    • Why do we have red blood cells?
  • Modern Languages

    • What makes a novel or play ‘political’?
    • Should poetry be difficult to understand?
    • What is language?
    • What makes a short story different from a novel?
    • In a world where English is a global language, why learn French?
  • Music

    • If you could invent a new musical instrument, what kind of sound would it make?
  • Oriental Studies

    • Can archaeology ‘prove’ or ‘disprove’ the Bible?
  • Philosophy, Politics and Economics

    • Why is income per head between 50 and 100 times larger in the United States than in countries such as Burundi and Malawi?
    • When I was at school in the 1970s, there was talk of a pensions crisis that would one day hit. The talk persisted in the 1980s, and the 1990s – and then there was a pensions crisis, and little had been done politically to prepare us for it. Is there a fault with the British political system that means we can’t sensibly address serious medium and long-term problems when they are identified?
    • I’m having trouble with the meaning of three words: Lie, Deceive, Mislead. They seem to mean something a bit similar, but not exactly the same.  Help me to sort them out from each other.
  • Philosophy

    • What exactly do you think is involved in blaming someone?
  • Physics

    • A ball, initially at rest, is pushed upwards by a constant force for a certain amount of time.  Sketch the velocity of the ball as a function of time, from start to when it hits the ground.
  • Psychology

    • A large study appears to show that older siblings consistently score higher than younger siblings on IQ tests. Why would this be?
    • Imagine that 100 people each put £1 into a pot for a prize that will go to the winner of a simple game.  Each person has to choose a number between 0 and 100. The prize goes to the person whose number is closest to 2/3 of the average of all of the numbers chosen. What number will you choose, and why?
    • An experiment appears to suggest Welsh speakers are worse at remembering phone numbers than English speakers. Why?
    • What is ‘normal’ for humans?
    • Why do human beings have two eyes?
    • Should interviews be used for selection?
  • Theology and Religion

    • Is someone who risks their own life (and those of others) in extreme sports or endurance activities a hero or a fool?
  • Other subjects

  • Solution to the ‘pirate problem’




7733 total views, 4 today

Korean University Ranking 15 in 2016

University October 9, 2017

Korean University Ranking 15 in 2016

2385 total views, 0 today

reading, maths and science

Global, High School, Schools September 6, 2017

World education rankings: which country does best at reading, maths and science?


Country Name
Reading score
Maths score
Science score
OECD average 493 496 501
Shanghai-China 556 600 575
Korea-South 539 546 538
Finland 536 541 554
Hong Kong-China 533 555 549
Singapore 526 562 542
Canada 524 527 529
New Zealand 521 519 532
Japan 520 529 539
Australia 515 514 527
Netherlands 508 526 522
Belgium 506 515 507
Norway 503 498 500
Estonia 501 512 528
Switzerland 501 534 517
Poland 500 495 508
Iceland 500 507 496
United States 500 487 502
Liechtenstein 499 536 520
Sweden 497 494 495
Germany 497 513 520
Ireland 496 487 508
France 496 497 498
Chinese Taipei 495 543 520
Denmark 495 503 499
United Kingdom 494 492 514
Hungary 494 490 503
Portugal 489 487 493
Macao-China 487 525 511
Italy 486 483 489
Latvia 484 482 494
Slovenia 483 501 512
Greece 483 466 470
Spain 481 483 488
Czech Republic 478 493 500
Slovak Republic 477 497 490
Croatia 476 460 486
Israel 474 447 455
Luxembourg 472 489 484
Austria 470 496 494
Lithuania 468 477 491
Turkey 464 445 454
United Arab Emirates 459 453 466
Russian Federation 459 468 478
Chile 449 421 447
Serbia 442 442 443
Bulgaria 429 428 439
Uruguay 426 427 427
Mexico 425 419 416
Romania 424 427 428
Thailand 421 419 425
Trinidad and Tobago 416 414 410
Colombia 413 381 402
Brazil 412 386 405
Montenegro 408 403 401
Jordan 405 387 415
Tunisia 404 371 401
Indonesia 402 371 383
Argentina 398 388 401
Kazakhstan 390 405 400
Albania 385 377 391
Qatar 372 368 379
Panama 371 360 376
Peru 370 365 369
Azerbaijan 362 431 373
Kyrgyzstan 314 331 330

3072 total views, 1 today

Surf Schools

Other School, Schools, Subjects, Surf September 6, 2017

Top 10 Surf Schools


  • Kauai, Hawaii
  • Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
  • Montauk, New York
  • Byron Bay, Australia
  • Itacare, Brazil
  • Surfers Point, Barbados
  • Sayulita, Mexico
  • Tofino, Canada
  • Hossegor, France

2328 total views, 0 today

school systems

Global, Other School, School System September 6, 2017

The 11 best school systems in the world


  • 1. Finland: 6.7
  • 2. Switzerland: 6.2
  • 2. Belgium: 6.2
  • 4. Singapore: 6.1
  • 5. Netherlands: 5.9
  • 6. Qatar: 5.8
  • 6. Ireland: 5.8
  • 8. Estonia: 5.7
  • 9. Barbados: 5.9
  • 9. Japan: 5.6

1905 total views, 0 today

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    Oxford 2018 interview questions http://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/undergraduate/applying-to-oxford/interviews/sample-interview-questions These sample interview questions come direct from the tutors who conduct the interviews. We hope they’ll make you think, and help you understand why we ask the questions that we do. Biochemistry Here is a list of three compounds, A, B and C. Which one is most soluble? (A, B […]

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